
Yue Fei's story

On a cold winter afternoon,in a farmer's house, heard the crying of babies, this was Yue Fei.
When his father saw a bird Outside.He decision the baby name call Yue Fei.Because he want to him son can like the bird,free and fly.W
hen Yue Fei just 28 days of birth,he farther go outside to woke.But the Yellow River suddenly have flood.The  flood was very big and terrible.When the foold was coming,Yue Fei's mom find a big tub and sat down.Folloed the river plume,they plume to a village.Yue Fei very poor,so when he small,he need to go to the fame to help him mom.He was a staunch boy,he love to help anyother people and love to learn.He want to be a soldier to guard country.
I write down this story use 30 min
and I translate this story use about 40 min

Yue Fei ---2

昨夜寒蛩不住鸣。惊回千里梦,已三更。起来独自绕阶行。人悄悄,帘外月胧明。 白首为功名。旧山松竹老,阻归程。欲将心事付瑶琴。知音少,弦断有谁听?

昨晚受寒的秋蝉不断哀鸣,惊醒我回千里之外(故乡)的梦,已经三更了,我寂静无语,帘外面月亮朦胧微明。 为了追求功名利禄头发已白,家乡的松竹也长大了,阻断了我回家的路。想要将心事寄托在瑶琴

Last night have cicadas wail, because they feel cold.Awakened my homeland dream.
Have been 3 o'clock,out the window,the moon is very beautiful.I worked very hard all my life for my future,my hair has turned white,my homeland's pine may grown up,Blocking my  home way.I just can use Musical Instruments to express my feeling.


This pome the way is different to last one.Last one is very strong,very bold.But this pome very soft.This pome was talking about the poet very have prospects
, but he lost him family.He was very miss him himeland.

i read this pome use 10 min
i english translationuse about 40 min
the opinion use 50 min


about the poet

About the poet

yue fe(A.D1103—1142),chinese.he is a  very famous military strategists , national hero and General
in Chinese history.

Why ?
 Why I choose Yue Fei to do this work?Becouse the recent have earthquake in Japan,their family was broke,their lost the homeland.I can understand their feelings.Because beforn our country have a same thing.That was very sad!!So I want the Japanese can learning as Yue Fei.Learn his fortitude and tenacious.
i hope they can leave the suffering early and smile.

i write down this work use 30 min


yue fei's poem1

              岳飞 怒发冲冠.
  凭栏处,潇潇雨歇。抬望眼,仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切! 靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭?驾长车,踏破贺兰山缺。壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天阙! 

modern chinese


English translation

I am very angry,and go to high place along,the storm just stopped.I looked up at the sky,the sky is very high and large.I couldn't hold back shouting to the sky,my heart is full of patriotism.My thirty years of achievement just like dust, eight thousand kilometer road much has happened.If you want to be a goodboy,make contributes to our country,you can't waste time,Otherwise when you become a old men,you will be sad."jing kong'' Rebellion's Shame,I did not forgot yet.So about My anger, when will disappear.I need to fight for my country,tenemy out of my country.I have Big ambitions,I want to destroy the enemy.

poet's famous story


In song dynasty, have a tribe call ''nvzhen''.This tribe always come to china to robbery and murder.But the king just know have fun. He didn't care the people life.One night,yue fei hear flee's people say that things.He very anxious.So he ready to do military.Before he  left for a night,his mom make a "Serve the country, Loyalty to the country" tattoo  in his back.She want to he remember forever,he need loyalty to the country and serve the country.

Yue Fei  is a righteous man.although eventually have bad guy kill him.But our never ever ever fotget him.He is representative our china's think

i do this work all use 180 min