
余光中,祖籍福建永春,1928年10月21日生于江苏南京,1948年随父母迁香港, 1953年,与一些知名作家共创“蓝星”诗社。后赴美进修,获爱荷华大学艺术硕士学位。返台后任师大、政大、台大及香港中文大学教授,现任台湾中山大学文学院院长。
Yu guangzhong,from NanJing City, China.1948 live in HongKong whit him parents.1953 year,he make a "Lang- Xing"poetry society whit some famous poets.and than go to the America learning,got University Of Iowa master.

Chinese Modern poet--yu guangzhong

舟子的悲歌   SAD SHIP 
余光中   yu guang zhong 

一张破老的白帆,An old white sail

漏去了清风一半,Breeze to sneak away

却引来海鸥两三,However, attracted two or three seagulls
荒寂的海上谁作伴In a lonely sea,no one near by me
啊,没有伴,没有伴Oh, no friend,and nobod
y除了黄昏一片云,Except the twilight
除了午夜一颗星,Except the Midnight  stars
除了心头一个影Except a Shadow in my heart
还有一卷惠特曼。Only a ①walt whitman's book

我心里有一首歌,Has a song in my heart
好久好久都不曾唱过,Long time i didn't sing it
今晚我敞开胸怀舱里卧,But tonight,I lay on the cabin and open my mind
不怕那海鸥偷笑我,I don't care seagulls will laughing me
它那歌喉也差不多。Cause their voice same like me
我唱起歌来大海你来和,I singing a song and the sea help me accompany
男低音是浪和波,Waves are the bass
男高音是我。I am a treble

月光在海上铺一条金路,Moonlight  make a gold  lane, on the sea
渡我的梦回到大陆,Help my dream come back to my homeland
在那淡淡的月光下,In the faint moonlight
我梦见脸色更淡的老母,I dreamed my emaciated mother
我发狂地跑上去,I ran to her
一颗童心在腔里欢舞,A childlike innocence dancing in my heart
何处是老母,何处是老母,Where is my mon ? Where is my mom?
荒烟衰草丛里, In a  desolate,dark and dirty place
有坟茔无数……There are many graves······

①沃尔特•惠特曼(Walt Whitman,May 31,1810-March 26,1892),生于纽约,他是美国著名诗人、人文主义者,他创造了诗歌的自由体(Free Verse),其代表作品是诗集《草叶集》。
He born in New York,and he was a famous American poet and Humanism.He create a system poetry call Free Verse.


This poem is from 1951 years,poet writerd down the feeling when he leaved the homeland.He use the old sail,twilight,midnight stars and a shadow to express his loneliness and the feeling of the wander aimlessly in a strange land.When the poet saw him momther and ran to her at the dream,the dream was broken.....His monther alrealdy died. This poem reveal a real funereal atmosphere.

I found this poem use10min
and i translating use 1hours
obout my opinion took my 1hours