风铃 windbell
我的心是七层塔檐上悬挂的风铃 my heart is like hang the on towers's windbell
叮铃叮铃铃 1.ding li ding li li
此起彼落,敲叩着一个人的名字 constant sway,like knocking someone's name
----你的塔上也感到微震吗?Do you feel that?
这是寂静的脉搏,日夜不停 this is silent pulse
你听见了吗,叮铃叮铃铃?Did you hear that?
这恼人的音调禁不胜禁 this noise just can not stop
除非叫所有的风都改道 unless you let the wing go away for the towers
铃都摘掉,塔都推到 remove all the bells,push down all the towers
只因我的心是高高低低的风铃 just because my heart is the windbell
叮铃叮铃铃 ding li ding li li
此起彼落 constant sway
敲叩着一个人的名字 knocking someone's name.
1.ding li ding li li --is the onomatopoeic words from the windbell.
<<windbell >>is yu guangzhong(the poet's name)a express feelings pome.the poet used the windbell to express to cared his family and missed his country. "my heart is like hang on the towers windbell."this sentwnce was represent the poet heart. poet's heart just liked the windbell,always has struck aresponsive chord in the herat of it is readers. the synatax of this poem was very simple,and have the ritma the poet use the onomatopoeic words, let this pome more lively.
I found this poem took 10 minutes
I translated this poem used a one and a half hours
i writed the opinion used 4hours.